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Photo Contest Specifications


1. Name of the Contest:“Moment of Hope” Photo Contest

2. Purpose and Subject of the Contest:  117 of our citizens lost their lives in the 6.9-magnitude earthquake that occurred in İzmir on October 30, 2020. Hearts Hope Foundation (YUVA) was established in 2021 in order to keep the name of Umut, one of the 27 children who lost their lives, alive and to be hope for other children. YUVA carries out sustainable projects in order to improve the social, cultural, health and educational opportunities of our children and young people at all educational levels, from pre-school to university. In order to both commemorate our lost citizens and raise awareness of the earthquake in the society, the Hearts of Hope Foundation (YUVA) has decided to carry out a series of activities to commemorate the second anniversary of the earthquake, as in the previous year, on 30 October 2022. One of them is the photography contest called "The Moment of Hope".


By evaluating the photographs taken about the activities carried out by YUVA on October 30, 2022; It is aimed to create awareness in the society that the earthquake is a natural disaster, to create awareness of children and young people that we have a hopeful future, and to create awareness that small touches made to them are an investment we make in our future. 


Competition Organization: The competition is organized by the Hearts Hope Foundation.

3. Contest Category/Divisions:

Competition; Digital (Digital) Color or Black and White photo as a single section. Color or Black & White, all photos will be evaluated together.


4. Contest Conditions:

a.Participation in the competition is free. The photos that are the subject of the competition; Within the scope of the "We are Riding to Hope" organization to be held on October 30, 2022 by YUVA, it should be filmed on the route of cycling and running (Bornova and Bayraklı regions), Aşık Veysel Recreation Area and Aşık Veysel Recreation Area Amphitheater.

b.Each participant can participate in the competition with a maximum of 4 Digital Color or Black and White works.

c.Competition; Except for the members of the Selection Committee, YUVA employees and their first-degree relatives, it is open to all amateur and professional photographers over the age of 18 who are university students (currently registered at university).

D.Acceptable photographic interventions such as color, sharpness, contrast adjustments and dust removal are acceptable. The documentary structure of the photograph must not have been changed.

to.Photographs created by montage of more than one photo (collage), photos taken with a mobile phone and photos with HDR (High Dynamic Range) applied will not be accepted. Photographs taken by manned or unmanned aerial vehicles (drone) etc. are accepted for the competition. All permissions and responsibilities regarding the use of manned or unmanned aerial vehicles (Drone) for photographing belong to the participant.

f.Panoramic photographs created by bringing together and producing more than one photograph are accepted for the competition only on condition that real images taken at the same time are used.

g.Competitors are obliged to take all kinds of administrative and technical measures for their processing and transfer in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. In this context, in the case of processing photographs of a real person, the persons must be informed within the scope of the Law and their explicit consent must be obtained in cases where their explicit consent is required. Taking photos of people who can be seen in the photos submitted to the competition and sending them to a competition; It is accepted that they allow the photograph to be published in visual, internet and printed media. Responsibility for photographs that are not transferred in accordance with the Law belongs to the competitor.

h.The participant accepts, declares and undertakes that the photos uploaded for the competition belong entirely to him and that all permissions have been obtained. All kinds of interventions and changes that use images belonging to someone else as they are or partially, to present the artwork as its own even though it does not belong to it, and to mislead the evaluation board, are considered violations of the rules.

I.In case of violation of the rules, the prize, title and all kinds of gains of the participant whose violation is detected are taken back. The award is revoked; place is left blank. This does not mean that the ranking of other competitors will be changed; does not give rise to the right of request to the competitors who received and/or did not receive other awards. If the award is given, the award of the participant is returned to the regulatory institution within 7 (seven) business days from the date of detection of the violation. The final and final decision on the violation of the rules will be the decision of the competition jury.

j.The organizer may decide to cancel or postpone all or part of the competition under conditions it deems appropriate. The regulatory body has the right to determine the methods and rules to be applied in cases of cancellation or postponement. The regulatory body is authorized to make all kinds of changes, including the rules of the specification, program change, evaluation, and rewarding, when deemed necessary, in the solution of problems and uncertainties.

5. Copyright (Usage) Right:

a.The publication, use and exhibition rights of the photographs that are ranked in the competition and won the right to be exhibited will belong to the organizer together with the owners of the works. These works will be kept in the archive of the regulatory institution.

b.Participant; From the date of the conclusion of the competition, the photographs that were ranked and were entitled to be exhibited must be processed as defined in Article 21 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, reproduction defined in Article 22, dissemination defined in Article 23,  24 Representation as defined in Article 25 and financial rights of transmission to the public by means of signs, sound and/or image transmission defined in Article 25, as well as promotion of the regulatory institution and its affiliates in the internet, visual and printed media channels without limitation of place and content in accordance with other relevant legislation. and its publications, on the condition that his name and the name of the work (in case of graphic arrangements such as photo collage, etc., the name of the author cannot be used), he/she accepts that he/she gives permission/consent to the regulatory body for the use of reproduction, processing, representation, public transmission rights and publication rights. During this period, the right to use the works will belong to the regulatory institution together with the owner of the work.

c.For the works used in this way, the owner of the work, the awards and participation certificates specified in this specification, also replaces the royalty (use) fee, will never take back the permission given later and prevent the work from being used in the above way or will not be entitled to any separate rights from the regulatory institutions and sponsors for this permission/consent. It irrevocably accepts, declares and undertakes that it does not and will not make any material or moral claims.

D.The participant accepts, declares and undertakes that the photographs he/she sends/uploads for the competition belong entirely to him, that they were taken by him and that all permissions have been obtained. All legal responsibility for copyright violations that may arise in case of using the images belonging to someone else as they are or partially belongs to the participant.

to.The owner of the work declares, accepts and guarantees that the work is his own original work, that third parties do not have any rights on this work, that the rights on the work have not been transferred before, and that the owner of the work is legally responsible in case of a request by third parties.

f.Architectural structures, works of art, human faces, etc., which were used as objects in the photographs sent to the competition. Permissions for photographing the elements and sending them to a competition, publishing the photograph on the Internet and in print media are deemed to have been obtained. All responsibility for disputes that may arise due to such uses belongs to the competitor.

g.The photos that are ranked and are worthy of exhibition have the right to publish on the websites of the organizing institution, as well as on the Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) accounts for promotional purposes and in accordance with the purpose of the competition. In addition, the award-winning photos can be used as posters / billboards / rackets / digital books, etc. can also be used as

6. Other Considerations:

a.Prizes for the competition will be covered by the regulatory agency. The awards specified in the specification will either be sent to the beneficiaries by cargo or delivered with the award ceremony to be held during the exhibition.

b.The regulatory body acts as meticulously as it can in sending awards and digital catalogues.

c.The works that are ranked and exhibited can be published as a "Digital Album Book" by the regulatory institution and this book can be sent to all participants.

7. Naming and Submission of Works:

a.The photographs that will participate in the competition must be recorded in JPG/JPEG format, with a resolution of at least 300 DPI, with 8-12 compression quality, and sent to via wetransfer within the application period.

b.Photos to be uploaded must be without mats and margins. Name, signature, logo, date, etc. related to the identity of the participant on the photograph. information should not exist.

c.The name of each photo file should include: Name, Surname, Name of the Work. The characters Ç, Ğ, İ, Ö, Ş, Ü, ç, ı, ğ, ö, ş, ü should not be used. English letters and underscore (_) can be used.

8. Selection Committee

(In Alphabetical Order by Last Name)

  1. Dr. Instructor Member Seda Sünbül Olgundeniz

  2. Assoc. Dr. A. Beyhan Ozdemir

  3. Seher Perincek

  4. prof. Dr. Zuhal Ozel Sağlamtimur

  5. Assoc. Dr. Selin Turkel

The Selection Committee convenes with at least 3 (three) members and an evaluation report is prepared after the competition. If 3 (three) members of the selection committee cannot come together on the meeting date, the meeting and the result announcement will be postponed for one week.

9. Contest Schedule:

Start Date of the Contest : 30 October 2022

Application Deadline: 01 November 2022

Jury Meeting Date: 08 November 2022

Result Notification Date: 11 November 2022


10. Rewards:

The right to participate in the 5-hour “Storytelling with Video” Training (Lecturer Dr. Alper GEDİK, İzmir University of Economics) for all winners.

First Prize:  Thermal Holiday (2 nights accommodation, transportation included, 2 persons)

Second prize:26 Rim Bicycle

Third Prize:Bluetooth headphone

Honorable Mention (three):Bluetooth Speaker

Exhibit Award:Certificate of participation


11. Contest Secretariat-Contact:

Name and Surname : Hearts Hope Foundation

Contact Tel: 0551 981 11 98

E-mail Address:


Note: Participating in the competition by submitting a work means that this specification has been accepted.

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