You will read and you will become a writer, my dear friend.
You will become a doctor, engineer, teacher, lawyer.
You will learn by reading; You will make the most beautiful pictures and the most delicious food.
You will be the one who flies the biggest plane, and the one who travels in the most colorful lands...
As you read, you will see; You will grow the tallest tree, you will fly the cars, you will build houses in the clouds.
You will grow as you read, my dear friend.
You will read more, love to read more, and make everyone love to read.
The world will get better as you read, my friend.
As you read, you will be HOPE for the future...
As YUVA, we believe that all children should have the right to equal education. The most important part of raising generations that think, ask, question, wonder, examine, interpret and predict is that our schools, which are educational centers, are fully equipped. We add dreams, adventure, happiness and hope to our libraries by supplying books with your support so that our schools that do not have a library or have a library but do not have books can raise "generations with their fingers in the air".
As a result of the "I Have a Letter to Hope" Painting Contest, which we held in reference to the children we lost in the 30 October Izmir earthquake, we prepared the YUVA 2022 Calendar, which includes the works of our children who were among the top 20. With your donation, the library of a school in need will receive a book. As YUVA, we are presenting the YUVA 2022 Calendar full of new hopes and dreams with personalized certificates.
Please do not forget to write "Recipient" and "Sender" person names and "Address" information in the donation statement.